born a cool guy

I thought myself as a good kid. I reasoned with everyone, learned how to code at age 8. My dad used to joke that after half a year of coding, I could earn 4000yuan a month! I was named class president from kindergarten, all the way to second grade. I had a love for computers, the internet, coding, doing social media, and all that had some relationship with computers. I could feel that I was a geek, in the inside. Yeah, I didn't figure out the Windows operating system. Or Linux. I just loved the Mac operating system. I used it from age 7. I got a year to study about computers before I started coding. I understood my computer very, very, well. And I still do. I probably understood my computer better than my friend, and my grandma. It was like family to me. I simply loved it. My dad, who had used my computer for about six years, didn't even understand the computer better than I. So, coding naturally became easy. And also, I need to thank Sal Khan. One of the reasons that I coded was because of him. I was studying math on his website(, and I saw that there was a 'coding' stuff. Though it was not at the very least same as the actual JS, it made my dad want to let me do real code. And, we were coding...

about me

I was... well... just normal, but differing. I was born in an normal community, and did normal things. But I was differing 'cause my english was super good, and I love electronic things.

more about me
protecting animals

my curiosity on animals started on a trip to a cool place with my friend. The place offered free chickens, just a few months old, to kids. It made me think that we should protect animals more. my teacher once told me that if this killing of animals didn't stop, by 2022, 22% of them would be extinct. Scary prediction, huh?

more about protecting animals

I play basketball, tennis, and badminton. I also learn karate, and snowboarding. A lot for a kid, huh? I also swim too. I littery did all the things you could, anyway.

more about activities

I've done some cool projects, check them out!

more about my projects
reading list

I love to read, I read everything, I read sci-fi and non-sci-fi. Sometimes I read sitting down, sometimes I read on my knees, sometimes I read bent at 70 degrees.

more about my favorite books

My name is Gao Motong and I learned HTML/CSS/Javascript/Bootstrap during the coronavirus, this is my first personal website and my own digital space, which is named as 'tong planet', hope you would like it:)